Thursday, April 23, 2009

Bury the veggies!

Where food is concerned, my daughter is a typical six-year-old. She wants the same thing every single day (peanut butter and jelly, of course) and hates trying new things. Hates it. To get her to just take a taste of a new food, I always remind her of the first time she had ice cream: I literally had to hold her face still and force the bite into her mouth. For ice cream!

I've discovered, though, that if there's something about a food that she likes, I can get her to try it. For example, she likes broccoli and garbanzo beans, so last night I made Farmgirl Susan's Simple Broccoli-Onion Soup. Never mind that Emma doesn't like onions (naturally). This stuff is awesome, because you just cook the whole thing, then use an immersion blender to mush up all the ingredients. And if the ingredients are hidden, Emma has no clue...and I certainly don't tell her!

I do this with black bean soup, too, and will do the same thing with vegetable soup the next time I make it. So far, I've gotten her to eat tomatoes, red bell peppers, onions, and zucchini, and she hasn't had a clue. Is it wrong that I'm so gleeful over what is essential a lie that I'm telling my child?

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